X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh Lhim is a traditional Seeker huntress with a fiery temper and a caring heart, hidden underneath a fearsome and grumpy growl. At the moment Mimi earns her living as a chocobo jockey at the Gold Saucer. Maybe you have seen her on the back of her chocobo: "The Ul'dahn Gold". During the racing season she sometimes has to travel around to the different racing tracks. But she always prefers the arid desert of her homeland.

Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
I might only have one match,
but I can make an explosion.

("Fight Song", Rachel Platten)

If I'm told it's white, I'd say it's black.
I can't be honest, I say one thing but do another.
If I'm told, "I love you", I'd say "I hate you".
I'm happy, but what am I saying?

("Vanilla Salt", Yui Horie)

X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh Lhim grew up with her tribe in the Thanalan desert and even though she might say the opposite she enjoyed it there. But when the Calamity hit the land, she left the Sagolii and her tribe. And she has been living in and around Ul'dah ever since. It is not like she does not care for her tribe or her former lifestyle. The reasons she left it all behind she keeps close to her heart and next to never talks about it.

X'mimiteh Lhim


These events will tell a story of survival in challenging times.
Of courage and perseverance. A story of loss and guilt.
And of hope blooming even in despair.

I used to write more stories back in the days for my characters and engaged in way more forum RP than nowawadays. But there have been some shorter and longer texts I wrote for Mimi.



X'mimiteh Lhim


... in which a small group of Sagolii Miqo'te travels to Ul'dah during a severe drought, Mimi scolds someone, and she finds a new calling.

The drought hit the Sagolii very hard that year. It was called "the big equalizer" by the Miqo'te of X'mimiteh's tribe because it did not spare anyone - animals, plants and people died alike. In previous years the rain had set in several times, but not this time. It was devastating. In the first wave of the draught Mimi’s tribe still had provisions, but already the second wave was devastating enough so they could not refill said provisions. Thus when the third wave hit the hunters of the X-tribe and they set out to Ul’dah on their search for food and water.By then X'mimiteh was about 15 years old and had been on the hunts for three years. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less. She did not remember especially since she did not keep track of it. Why should she? It was not like years counted in the desert. It only counted if you survived or not. Life in the desert dies fast as they say. The desert was a huntress herself, killing the weak, the old and the sick. It was not nurturing like the big city they were heading to. But X'mimiteh's tribe would never trade the safety of big walls in exchange for losing the bond to the land. As hard as life was out here in the Sagolii, it was also freedom.On the first night of their journey to Ul’dah they built a campfire and the old huntress X’kalla instructed the younger ones: "When the animals die, we die as well. We might be hunters, but we are not above the Sagolii. Her gifts to us are life as well as death and thus we have to honor, respect and fear her.” X’kalla had been hunting since X'mimiteh could remember. Actually, it was her who taught X'mimiteh everything she needed to know. The old Miqo'te huntress was a kind and caring, but strict teacher, never letting someone of the hook when making a mistake. She always looked out for her hunters, because she knew how beautiful, but also how deadly the desert can be - especially during this draught.X'mimiteh sat a little aside from the campfire and growled to herself, while watching X’kalla and the younger hunters from afar. Mimi was only a few years older than them, but that was already something out here in the Sagolii. As she watched from afar, Mimi recognized a look in those young eyes she knew quite well. When Mimi had been on her first hunt years ago, there had been a similar draught as well. Back then X'kalla took the young Miqo'tes with her even though they had not had many lessons until then. But she remembered how difficult it was and knew what those young hunters were going through. It was hard to focus on the lessons of X'kalla. Not because the old huntress told her tales and lessons badly, but the lack of water dehydrated the bodies. But they had to endure this on their journey.They travelled mostly at night and rested at day in the scarce shadows they could find. After several days they finally reached Ul'dah, yet only to find a rich Lalafell who was willing to help, but ...“You have to understand! Food and especially water are expensive! And I am a really generous Lalafell. People will tell old Chichiu he is stupid and no business man. But I like you Miqo’te. You are nice people. So I sell it to you for ...”
Generous my ass! This was the only thing X’mimiteh thought.
That was no reasonable price, that was a crime! Exploiting starving desert people who did not have any other chance to survive. This bargaining was nothing like a hunt. But what could they do? It fueled X'mimitehs anger, though she kept it to herself as she did not want to make the negotations any harder for X'kalla.“We are grateful”, said old and humble X’kalla.If it was not for X’kalla, I’d gratefully slit your throat, you filthy little Lalafell! X’mimiteh was furious.This Lalafell surely had enough water and food. Mimi could imagine the springs in his garden, the abundance of fruit rotting on the dishes and his ignorance for all those who have to fight for survival in this world. Why was it so difficult to share? X'mimiteh did not understand why people who had less shared more than those who could afford it way better.But it was as it was and finally after a lot of bargaining X'kalla led them on their way back to home. In spite of their trade this has not been a successful hunt and they did not know if they would survive this year. Damned be those heartless city dwellers!On their way home X'mimiteh noticed X'rya, a huntress of maybe 12 years. The young one was tumbling and then falling to the ground. No one else noticed it as they all were with their thoughts already back home. How would they tell the others they could get that much? They all feared the disappointment and fear in the eyes of their loved ones.Mimiteh growled to herself and helped X'rya back on her feet: “We cannot waste any more time out here in the sun! Get yourself together. We all depend on you not slowing us down.”
X'rya looked stricken with fear towards the grumpy Miqo'te. “But ... but ... I feel dizzy. And I am thirsty.”
“We all are thirsty, stupid girl!”, snarled Mimiteh. “Don't you have anymore water left?”
“No, I drank it all, because I thought we would get enough in Ul'dah.”
X'mimiteh slapped X'rya's back of the head: “Stupid thing, that's Uldah. Those rich people will never give us desert dwellers enough. They never learned what it meant to have so little. They never learned the values of life. You should have portioned your water better.”
“Yes, I know that by now”, X'rya was on the verge of tears. “But what am I to do? I am going to die, aren't I?”
“This is the Sagolii. You have to fight every day with it and only if you are strong enough to survive, it will let you see it's beauty. We are not given any nice presents from it. We are not given the luxury they have in Ul'dah. And you know what?”, X’mimiteh paused and looked straight into X’ryas face, while lowering her voice. “I don't want to. If living in abundance means never helping anyone, I prefer dieing out here. So get your act together. Maybe we are finding something, but not with you stumbling about. And we fight by learning the value of everything we have. If you do not learn this, you will die out here. We are huntresses. Our tribe depends on us. We depend on you! You understand?”
X'rya nodded hestitantly and swallowed some tears in face of this injust treatment. She took a deep breath and continued following the others. X'mimiteh watched her and looked on her own canteen. It was not much water left and it was tempting to drink it all, but she had learned to restrain herself. X’mimiteh remembered how she drank it all at her first hunt and how she silently grew more dizzy and dizzy with every step, until they had luckily reached an oasis. This year they were not so lucky. There was no oasis for X'rya. That stupid young one ...
Mimiteh growled while looking up from her own canteen and walked over to X'rya. “Learn to portion it, stupid girl!” With these words she pushed the canteen into X'ryas hand. The younger Miqo'te started a “Thank you”, but X'mimiteh narrowed her eyes and silenced the gratitude of the young one with that look. She did not want any thanks. It was not like she cared about her! No, she did not! Not at all! Why would she?The way home was difficult for X’mimiteh without her water. But once in a while X’rya came to her and shared the water again. So they survived the way back by portioning it together. The welcome home was a silent one as everybody recognized the look on the faces of the huntresses. They knew it was not really successful.X’mimiteh retreated quietly to her tent, when X'kalla approached the grumpy Seeker.“You have been hard on that poor girl”, the old huntress said.
“She deserved it. If she does not learn to change her ways she is going to die and she will drag us with her.”
“It seems I taught you well.”
X'mimiteh only growled as an answer.
X'kallah examined Mimi for a while in silence and then she said: “I want you to take care of the young ones on our next hunts.”
“I am not very sociable. You know that. I will be hard on them and they will not like me.”
“Yes, but you care. That is a good mixture. They will respect and fear you as a mentor and you will see to it that they are going to survive. That is all I ask for.”
“I do not care.”
X'kalla chuckled. "Yes, you do.”
“No, I do NOT care!”, X’mimiteh growled. “But I will look after them.”
“Thank you.”
X'mimiteh rolled her eyes as the old huntress walked away with a knowing smile.

X'mimiteh Lhim


The heat and the smell of burnt flesh still haunt me. My old life vanished into the flames of the Calamity and all my hopes for something good in this stupid and forsaken world was scorched forever. But you will never know, because I will never tell.

X'mimiteh Lhim


Everything went up in flames that day when the Calamity hit us. My past, my future ... and my courage. I ran. Whether my tribe is alive? Who knows. I survived and I hated me for it. How could they not hate me as well? So I never dared to go back.

X'mimiteh Lhim


It was a small and dark room somewhere on the lower levels of the Gold Saucer. X’mimiteh watched as the bets were placed. For a moment she hesitated. She knew this was the last money she had. But perhaps this time everything would be different? Maybe this time she would win? Ah, goddammned, after this losing streak this time it must be different!

X'mimiteh Lhim


  • NAME: X’mimiteh Lhim (She-mimi-teh Lim)

  • AGE: In her mid 30s

  • RACE: Miqo’te / Seeker of the Sun

  • GENDER: Female

  • VOICE: Cristina Vee

  • HOUSE: The Goblet, 12th Ward (Subdivision), Plot 49

  • SERVER: Balmung

LANGUAGES: Aside from her tribal tongue, she speaks common with a mixture of Miqo'te and Thanalan accent. It is not too much, so you understand her easily. But her background becomes apparent, when she is talking.
PROFESSION: She is a regular chocobo jockey at the chocobo races on the back of "The Ul'dahn Gold". She might not be the best racer, though she wins from time to time. But she sure is an entertaining one, racing with all her heart - and all her temper. She would never admit it, but she loves chocobo racing.
RESIDENCE: She owns a house in the middle of the Goblet. One of the better and more expensive locations, so she seems to have made some money at the Saucer by now. Quite a step up from her not so glorious humble beginnings.

  • extroverted / introverted / in between

  • disorganized / organized / in between

  • close minded / open-minded / in between

  • calm / anxious / in between

  • disagreeable / agreeable / in between

  • cautious / reckless / in between

  • patient / impatient / in between

  • outspoken / reserved / in between

  • leader / follower / in between

  • empathetic / unemphatic / in between

  • optimistic / pessimistic / in between

  • traditional / modern / in between

  • hard-working / lazy / in between

  • cultured / un-cultured / in between

  • loyal / disloyal / in between

  • faithful / unfaithful / in between

SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh is athletic, but small - even for a Seeker. This might fit in nicely with her being a chocobo jockey, but nevertheless it is not as useful in her other favorite activity: brawling. She is not weak, but her small body sets her at a real disadvantage. At least she is very dexterous, but that often just does not help and she has to get creative - especially when fighting much bigger opponents.

The blonde hair seems to echo the sands of Thanalan and sometimes it even carries some of these sands with her. X'mimiteh wears her hair on medium length (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter) and usually works with tails or updos so that it does not get in the way. Most often it is adorned with some tribal jewelry and trinkets.

You can recognize a lot of X'mimiteh’s temper and mood when looking in those blue eyes that sometimes pierce like daggers. Eyes are the windows to the soul after all. Also there are scars on her nose and cheeks telling some vague tales of not so pleasant encounters.

Her voice is deep and smoky. Maybe not something you expect from someone as small as her. Nearly every breath is accompanied by growling, though there are different kind of growls with her. Learning to read those growls can give an insight into her well hidden feelings. Because there are so many different shades of growling than just being aggressive.

Quite visibly there are scars on her face. Other scars are usually not visible, but perhaps she is just very apt at hiding them. And you know how chocobo’s smell, right? Yes, it is as intense as the grumpy Seeker herself is. Working with those birds has left a mark on X'mimiteh. Nevertheless she is very clean and covers up the smell with some discreet perfumes. But you cannot eliminate the whole awesomeness of working with chocobos all day long.

X'mimiteh prefers wide and black clothing in a more traditional Thanalan style. She even tries to wear it outside of Thanalan, but gets cold very easily. And if there is something X'mimiteh does not like, it is being cold! So you might encounter her stuffed into many layers of clothing. X'mimiteh does not seem like it, but she made some money recently by racing and gambling. As she does like jewelry this shows quite easily. So you will see a lot of them. Some earrings, some rings on the fingers, a necklace. It is mostly just shiny. But isn’t that the important part?

X'mimiteh Lhim


X'mimiteh Lhim


Please visit these amazing artists down below who made those nice visuals of my grumpy Seeker. Click on the picture for the link.

X'mimiteh Lhim


Are you a fan of chocobo racing? Or even a jockey yourself? Working at the tracks or at the Gold Saucer? Or are you a chocobo doctor or something similar? Here are several possibilities and probably some I did not even think of. So go crazy on racing and chocobos! Kweh!

Mimi lived a long time in Ul’dah and visits it regularly - after a long time of absence. She hangs around Pearl Lane a lot, simply smoking and observing people - and occasionally gets into fights there herself. Ul’dah is big and much is possible as she also had to deal with some shady business in Ul’dah. So criminal or normal citizens or just traveller … also she originated from the Sagolii desert in Thanalan so this might be a hook as well.

As she is a traditional and tribal Seeker any other Seeker from her X-tribe might be a connection. But also of course other tribes as well - even outside the Thanalan desert from where she originates. But as Seeker and Keeper are also sometimes connected, maybe here is a connection as well.

X’mimiteh loves gambling and games. But be careful as she might get really competitive from time to time. But they might have met there - another player, a tournament host or whatever. Also she had to deal with a lot of shady people because of that.

Surely much of the stuff above may have happened in the Gold Saucer. But as the Gold Saucer itself is huge there might also be several other possibilities. If you are a visitor of the big cactuar, they might have met - or might meet in the future.

She likes a good brawl, she likes alcohol. I think this is enough for a hook - with or without brawling.

X'mimiteh Lhim


It is important to find people who click with you and who accept your Do’s and Don’ts. But first you have to voice those. As I have been burnt the past years, because people did not respect my limits, from now on I want to be really transparent in this with the following text after the button.It is a long text, but an easy way to learn about what to expect and it saves a lot of trouble for us both. I truly hope this all does not sound too intimidating, but the more you know the better - for both us. Too long and don't want to read? Here is the gist of it:Give me freedom and I am a truly loyal and dependable player. Lock me in a cage and I will fly away as soon as I get the chance to - even if I have to blast open the cage door.

X'mimiteh Lhim


Please do not send me an OOC tell beforehand asking whether I want to RP or not. If there is the RP tag in my name, I am ready to RP. I get nervous when you send me an OOC tell about that. Just approach me in character and everything is fine. Just jumping into RP with me even works when there is no RP tag. Do not worry whether I want to RP or not, just do it.

I enjoy roleplaying a lot, and there might be a time I play every day. But usually I do not roleplay on a daily basis. My time is limited: I have got a full time job, I am married and I also play other games. There may be times when I do not feel like roleplaying, go into a dungeon, make my hunts or just do silly stuff. This has nothing to do with you. This is me.

Do not get me wrong: OOC communication is important! But I love the uncertainty and vagueness of not knowing where the RP is heading. And people tend to tell me way too many things they plan on doing. And this takes the fun out of it for me. If I already know what is going to happen, I start to overthink stuff. But /tell me if there is any ooc problem we need to discuss. I am an easy person to get along with if you are honest and transparent. And sure, sometimes I also love to gush about characters, too. Nothing wrong with that.

Please keep in mind: English is not my native language. This might lead to misunderstandings or me taking a bit longer to answer. I am very self-conscious about my English skills and very aware of my shortcomings. So I might be a little bit touchy about it. I might construct absurd sentences or use the same words too often. But I try my best.

I used to be a guild leader and I like to take care of people and organize stuff. But this had led to my fair share of burn-out. And this is why RP appointments exhaust me way quicker than they used to. Sure, sometimes there is no way around it and then scheduled RP is totally okay! But I try to avoid it whenever possible. I prefer open world RP , and I like it spontaneous und surprising.

I am not shy, I am an introvert. I do not enjoy small talk and this has nothing to do with you. If I play with you I like you! And there will be even other times, when I will not stop talking to you. My walls of texts are infamous. But please try to avoid an OOC conversation starter with: “How are you doing?” I never know how to answer that and struggle with that. If there is something you want to discuss, sure thing, shoot. I appreciate getting straight to the point. By the way: IC small talk is a completely different thing for me. Yes, I am weird like that.

I have been burnt by clingy and emotional abusive OOC RP relationships. No one has exclusive rights to RP with me - even if our characters are in a romantic relationship! If I ever feel like I get isolated OOC or someone gets too clingy or possessive, we have a problem. Been there, endured that. Never again! This is a real trigger to me and freaks me out completely. I play with everyone and you are invited. But no exclusivity.

My main interest is IC conflict and spontaneous RP. I adore deep immersion. Slice of life and well paced character drama without any planned plot is my preference. If character play leads to a plot, no problem with that. But do not expect me to play according to any script. My preferred RP develops out of character dynamics. For me plot is a stage for character interactions. Not vice versa.

My characters are going to do stupid things. They are going to be douchebags. And they are more often wrong than not. I like to play flawed, quarrelsome and prejudiced characters. I am not my character so if they insult or provoke your character that is part of the RP - not me being mean to you as a player. If I do not feel comfortable with a player on an OOC level I rather avoid playing with them altogether. If my character picks a fight with your character, it means I trust you as a player, and I like you and your character. After all I am offering you my favorite RP, as I adore IC banter and conflict!

I used to play a lot of forum RP, but my main focus has always been in game. RP outside of the game can be a nice addition, but it should not be the focus for me. Yet, I do love RP letters, but since Mimi is illiterate and the FF14 mailbox is stupid this might be difficult. But if you want, send me an IC letter. Discord messages are always a possibility. Bonus points for Discord: It is patient. But then again downside being you have to be prepared for longer answering times now and then.

Do not force me to praise your RP. Not every RP has to be awesome and extraordinary everyday, and that is okay! People who feel like RP always has to be amazing, probably do not click with me. I cannot keep up to that standard, because I suck sometimes. Also I want to preserve the value of a compliment by not overusing it.

I like to describe my preferred RP with tv shows: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dawson’s Creek, Babylon 5, Fringe. I also adore the character drama of Game of Thrones, and though R rating and spicy scenes are okay I am not here for the smut. Most of the time it is going to be PG-13. As I am German and feel more comfortable with our rating system: If you know what FSK16 means you probably got it right.

My RP preferences are not open for discussion. I have been a roleplayer now for about more than 30 years. So I am very well aware of what I like and with what I have problems. All the times I agreed to a compromise have been a disaster for me. I am tolerant and do not interfere with other people’s RP. If you like those things above, but want to play with me anyway, be my guest and approach me. But please do not try to convince me of the things I do not like. It never worked out in the end.

X'mimiteh Lhim


My preferred playstyle is one to three paragraphs. Short replies are okay, but I prefer longer ones as they give me more opportunity to interact with them. I struggle with fluid RP when dealing with shorter replies. This is not your fault, that is just me. Usually I try to adjust my writing length to my surroundings. This does not always work as I sometimes get carried away by the RP. Whenever I overwhelm you with my text, please send me a /tell. I do not want to annoy you, I want to give you opportunities for interaction.

Usually I am around from 8 pm to 11 pm (CEST) during the week - on the weekend and holidays more flexible and erratic. Of course, if you are from another timezone, feel free to approach me if my time schedule fits in any way. This is just a heads up, when I am usually active - not a “I only want to play with Europeans”. I play with everyone!

I am a non native roleplayer. So my English might sound strange from time to time or I might be a little bit slower. It might be best if you explain that with X'mimiteh’s Thanalan accent. I do my best to avoid language weirdness, but it happens.

Whenever you see me with the RP tag before my name, I am free to approach in RP! Maybe I am questing, maybe I am running, but I am always up for RP as long as this is marked before my name. You can also try it without the RP tag and usually I will react in character. Though, no guarantee.

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they are logical in a story-driven encounter.

I will not play rape or torture and I will not accept permanent injuries or death imposed on my character by others. No discussion.

X'mimiteh Lhim


I am a big fan of tropes. Yes, it might be cliché sometimes. But every character consists of them and each combination of tropes is unique. Or should be. Here I am listing the tropes you might encounter when playing with X'mimiteh. If you do not want to get spoiled better do not continue reading.

X'mimiteh Lhim


Here is a list of the tropes for X'mimiteh (with external links to tvtropes):

X'mimiteh Lhim


Music always gets me in the mood for a specific story or character. So I like to associate some kind of soundtrack with my characters. And I want to share that with you. Though this does not always fit perfectly, but it oftentimes comes close enough. If you are interested just click on the button down below, stay awhile and listen.

X'mimiteh Lhim


If there was a tv show or anime about Mimi these would be the fitting opening and ending themes.

Some specific themes:

And this is a list (alphabetical order) of several other songs fitting somehow - one way or another.

X'mimiteh Lhim


DISCORD: _jamapi_
NAME IN GAME: X’mimiteh Lhim (Balmung)

X'mimiteh Lhim


Mimi's player is 21+ and identifies as genderfluid (pronouns: they/them). I started roleplaying with D&D back in the days in the 80s and have been doing a lot of roleplaying since then - tabletop, collaborative storytelling, play-by-mail, LARP. You name it, I did it. Online RPG began for me with Ultima Online on German private rp servers, then I switched to Neverwinter Nights and as most rp communities on my servers dissolved over time I finally started to roleplay in MMOs: mostly Aion, Rift, SW:TOR . If you played there as well, chances are high we know each other, because I was really active in those communities. Good old times, when I had more time. Mimi has been a grumpy little menace on Balmung in FF14 since ARR.I have a fulltime and very stressful job as a professional writer in my native language. Thus, playing the game is my feel-good place to recharge my energy batteries, while relaxing with a nice cup of coffee. So I like my and your time there being as stressfree and most fun as possible. I am happily married and outside of RP I am not looking for anything more than friendship. My characters have their own agenda, of course. But I am just here to have fun playing the game, write some cool stuff together with you and laugh and watch our goofballs on the screen act the way they do. Our own little tv show of ensuing hilarity.Speaking of which, I am a big movie/tv show enthusiast. My favorite tv shows are Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Babylon 5, Dawson's Creek, Toradora! and How I Met Your Mother. Favorite movies being The Last Unicorn, As Good As It Gets, Aliens, Your Name, Pacific Rim and The Ring. Aside from FF14 my favorite games are FF7, Persona 4 Golden, Valkyria Chronicles, Dead Space, Bloodborne and I am addicted to Hunt: Showdown (send help!). I have a very soft spot for horror especially when spiced up with cosmic horror (Cthulhu etc.). And just for reference sake, so you know my availability: My timezone is CEST and I am European. I am a night owl, but due to work life being less lenient to that lifestyle, I have to adjust to that at least during workdays. Though, sometimes I get dangerous and ignore that.That should be enough to give you at least a quick glimpse at the person behind that grumpy Seeker. I do not want to hide anything, I just do not feel more to be necessary to RP with each other. But I am not as much trouble as Mimi is. This much I can promise you.

DISCORD: _jamapi_